Council, community groups YFS and Lighthouse Care, the State Emergency Service, food charity OzHarvest, Givit, Share the Dignity, businesses and Logan residents have combined to deliver care packages to those doing it tough in Logan as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Hundreds of packages with essential items are being sent to people who are isolating or unable to access food and medicine during these challenging times.
YFS and Lighthouse Care, with the financial assistance of Logan City Council, are assembling the packs which contain healthy food staples such as bread and cereal and vital supplies, including medicines and cleaning products.
The contents of the packs are sourced from OzHarvest, local supermarkets and donations from the public and are delivered by the SES.
Logan City Council Acting CEO Silvio Trinca said Council and the community were united in tackling COVID-19 challenges.
“It’s amazing what can be achieved when Logan works together,” he said.
“These packs have been a lifesaver for the elderly, those in isolation and people who for many reasons simply can’t get what they need during these challenging times.
“Council’s response to COVID-19 has seen various challenges, including the closing of some our services and facilities to comply with social distancing measures put in place by the state and federal governments.
“Our top priority is the health and safety of our community, customers and staff.
“Council proudly supports these organisation who are on the frontline delivering essentials for those in need.”
YFS CEO Cath Bartolo praised the quick actions of Council and the wider community as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic began to be felt in recent weeks.
“Logan has led the way when it comes to a community response to COVID-19,” she said.
“We’ve had councils and community groups from other areas calling us asking how we were able to do it.”
Ms Bartolo said YFS had received an average of 20 calls per day from Logan residents requesting emergency assistance.
The care packages are designed for emergency relief, YFS then assess the needs of each client and refers them to the appropriate support agency.
Parcels have gone to a number of suburbs including Logan Central, Crestmead, Kingston and Woodridge.
A majority of requests are coming from residents who are self-isolating or unemployed, single parents and families with small children.
Logan City Council has an information resource to provide the community with the latest updates and support networks regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
It details how Council is responding to the pandemic and contains key information on how residents and businesses can access support from all levels of government.
The webpage is:
YFS – 3826 1500
13Health – 13 43 25 84
Lifeline – 1800 800 768
Red Cross – 1300 733 276
Care Army – 1800 173 349