The Lions Clubs of Woodridge Kingston and Logan South-East joined forces with St Francis College, Crestmead this year and have built a strong connection of support to teachers, students, and families after a tumultuous start to the school year.

With the famous Lions barbecue van being set up on numerous occasions, a thank you breakfast for teachers was served, and several sausage sizzles took place at Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations events.

While working in the College kitchen, it was observed that the equipment used to serve up the daily Breakfast Club to students was in desperate need of replacement. The project was taken up by the clubs who submitted a Logan City Council grant to replace toasters, kitchen utensils and cleaning gear.

Lions Club of Woodridge Kingston member Ms Julie Holden said of the project, “We were very pleased to have been able to undertake this project and continue our valuable partnership and friendship with the College.”

Further, Ms Holden thanked Logan City Councillor Jon Raven and Councillor Jacob Heremaia for their support.

At the College’s Celebration of Excellence evening recently, Ms Holden alongside Lion Jim Bartlett had the privilege of presenting the Spirit of St Francis Award to aspiring IT professional and Year 12 student, Jerrymaih I’iga.

The spirit award recognises students who demonstrate the College’s Franciscan values of simplicity, compassion, harmony, and service through daily interactions.

St Francis College Crestmead Principal Mr John Marinucci said the shared values between the College and Lions Clubs were key to the success of the relationship and was appreciative of the assistance provided in 2022.

“We are grateful to the Lions who have been here to support the College through some pretty trying times this year.”

“Our College and Lions International share common values which form the foundation of our fruitful connection.

“We look forward to continuing the relationship in 2023 and beyond,” Principal Marinucci said.

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