Before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold there were many charity organisations working tirelessly in the City of Logan helping the homeless and needy.
Unfortunately many of these services had to stop however the team from One Voice are back on the streets and doing what they do best.
One Voice was established with a vision to restore dignity and hope one life at a time and began offering mobile shower services for those experiencing homelessness.
For many doing it rough, maintaining personal hygiene when living on the streets is something that can be hard to keep up. The mobile shower service offers people a safe place to shower, shave, brush their teeth and most importantly, helps restore dignity.
To help support One Voice and their endeavours, Kingston East Neighbourhood Group Inc. work with them by supplying care packs and other important networks giving aid to those that may not know where else to turn.
Kim Wright, manager of the Kingston East Neighbourhood Group Inc. (KENG) said Kingston East Neighbourhood Group Inc (KENG) is privileged to be part of this project to support and connect with individuals experiencing homelessness during the pandemic.
“KENG have created and provided care packs that we hope will address personal needs and provide a little bit of comfort.”
Find Out More
Kingston East Neighbourhood Group
One Voice
Photos sourced from One Voice Facebook page.