Logan City Council has put the community at the heart of its future decision-making by creating a shared vision that will underpin the city’s strategic direction for the next five years and beyond.
The community now has a chance to have a say on that vision and Council’s strategic response via the proposed 2021-2026 Corporate Plan.
Months of intensive community engagement led to a proposed Logan Community Vision.
As it was taking shape, the vision influenced how Council’s proposed 2021-2026 Corporate Plan was developing.
The Corporate Plan sets priorities for Council investment in infrastructure such as roads, libraries, water, waste management and parks.
The community now has a chance to have a say on the proposed vision and plan via the Have Your Say platform from today (May 13) until Thursday, June 3 at haveyoursaylogan.com.au
City of Logan Mayor Darren Power said the vision reflected the city’s collective aspirations.
“We want to determine that our priorities in the Corporate Plan are on the right track,” he said.
Cr Power said as well as being a requirement of the Local Government Act, the Corporate Plan was central to how Council set its strategic direction.
“It provides the focus for how we will invest in infrastructure and guides how we prioritise and deliver programs and services in the short, medium and long-term.”
The Corporate Plan spans five financial years and strongly influences how Council makes decisions about its annual budget.
It is underpinned by the Logan Community Vision and sets a definitive plan on how Council will deliver the community what it needs in a sustainable way.
“As a Council, we want to deliver infrastructure, services and programs to make that vision a reality,” Cr Power said.
“It also gives us a clear picture of what aspects Council can influence and where we need to seek support and investment from other levels of government.”
Cr Power said it was vital to develop a new vision for the city which was growing at the fastest rate in its 40-year history.
More than $18 billion in Council and government-planned infrastructure and improvements will be spent in coming years.