Residents in division 6 and 12 have been asked by council to complete a survey or email direct feedback about the Bahrs Scrub – Beenleigh (East/West Connection) Transport Study.
The road plans will have direct impact on residents as it caters for increased traffic over the coming years, and it is only with input from residents that can make any difference.
Three different road options will be developed utilising the community survey results combined with the criteria listed.
- Safety
- environmental impact
- traffic performance
- other stakeholder requirements
- regulations /legislation
- technical / financial factors
The three options will move to Stage 2 Assessment. Council will advise on results of the community survey and the short-listed options in the second half of 2021.
Councillors Karen Murphy and Tony Hall both thanked those that have taken the time to complete the survey or email them directly with feedback.
“Note that Facebook comments and posts on community groups can’t be taken as formal feedback,” said Cr Murphy.
“So if you have seen someone comment with a suggestion or concern, kindly ask them to contact one of us directly.
“You only have until 5pm today to get your feedback in.”
To Have Your Say
Or you can call council on 3412 5512 or email [email protected] or [email protected]