Logan City Council are working on keeping some parts of the cities green spaces protected by buying land for key environmental purposes.

In their most recent purchases, the council has acquired properties in Buccan (two lots), Tamborine and Slacks Creek.

Environment Chair, Deputy Mayor Jon Raven, said the land purchases were funded from either the Environmental Levy or vegetation offset charges collected from developers.

“No one likes to see trees cut down for development which is why protecting properties like these is so important,” Councillor Raven said.

“Council will make sure these properties are protected and restored as part of the wildlife corridor network across our city.”

923-933 Waterford Tamborine Road and Lot 270 Stegemann Road, Buccan

The two adjoining parcels of land will provide nearly 40 hectares of land suitable for environmental (vegetation) offset planting.

Once established, the bushland will provide biodiversity and wildlife connections along Quinzeh Creek and Ooah Creek towards the easterly ranges of Plunkett Conservation Park and Swanborough Reserve. It will also link to the rear portion of Tamborine Park.

Division 4 Councillor Laurie Koranski said parts of both properties had been identified as potential core koala habitat and are perfect for planting koala habitat trees.

“These properties have almost 500m of frontage on the Logan River,” Cr Koranski said.

“That provides Council with an opportunity to further demonstrate our commitment to the Logan River Vision and Implementation Plan.

“We can improve the water quality in the river by replanting and restoring native vegetation along the riverbank and eventually provide public access with riverfront trails which I know will excite the local community.”

1941-1979 Waterford Tamborine Rd, Tamborine

The block will help establish an environmental link between the Birnam Range Conservation area and Yarrabilba.

The property has natural habitat areas for koalas and glossy black cockatoos. It also has areas of endangered remnant vegetation which will be protected and enhanced.

The purchase was funded by the Environmental Levy.

Division 9 Councillor Scott Bannan said the property was identified by Council as a priority property for conservation purposes.

“It is important that Council secures properties like this when they become available as they ensure our natural environment will be preserved for the local community for generations to come,” Cr Bannan said.

Lot 6 Pacific Highway, Slacks Creek

This land was purchased, with funds from the Environmental Levy, as part of Council’s Slacks Creek Recovery Plan.

It flanks Slacks Creek, behind the Ikea warehouse, and will ensure further wildlife connections through this important ecological corridor.

Division 3 Councillor Mindy Russell said the land is a key acquisition that would help boost the waterway health of Slacks Creek and provide active recreational opportunities.

“This is a big win to preserve another section of our natural habitat in Slacks Creek. It will create better connections between local cycling and walking paths such as the Greenlink along the edge of the creek,” Cr Russell said.

The latest acquisitions of land for environmental purposes follows Council’s purchase in February of a 212-hectare property at Greenbank.

That property was identified as a koala habitat with high ecological value and importance to the health of the Oxley Creek catchment.

It adjoins Cockatiel Park and Platypus Reserve and is close to Spring Mountain Forest Park, Spring Mountain Reserve and the White Rock-Spring Mountain Conservation Estate in Ipswich.

Council already manages about 5900 hectares of natural areas and recreation parks.

That’s in addition to another 6000 hectares of private land registered on Council’s environmental partnership programs such as habitat connections, land for wildlife and voluntary conservation agreements.

Council has now endorsed the Environmental Levy Annual Report 2020-2021 which showcases how last year’s environmental levy funds were utilised.

Funds from the Environmental Levy help underpin Council’s delivery of a range of initiatives and services that protect and improve our local environment.

These include:

• improving waterways and wetlands by implementing the Logan Rivers and Wetlands Recovery Plan 2014–2024 and the Logan and Albert River Visions

• reducing Council’s carbon emissions and installing renewable energy

• protecting and enhancing ecosystems on private land through Environmental Conservation Partnerships

• engaging and connecting with the community through nature and wildlife focused events, activities and the EnviroGrants program.

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