Tree planting efforts in Logan have earned national recognition this year with the Council named ‘Best on ground’ by the Greener Spaces Better Places network.
Greener Spaces Better Places is a national initiative drawing on the knowledge of academia, business, community groups and government to boost natural environments in growing towns and cities.
Logan was given special mention in the network’s 2019/20 annual report, which noted the “great news” of the City’s 5 per cent increase in ‘green cover’ despite annual population growth of 2 per cent.
The report also found the City’s tree canopy had increased from 41 per cent in 2016 to 53 per cent in 2020.
Logan City Council has planted over 100,000 trees in the past financial year to help boost the environment and make the City of Logan a greener place to live.
Thirty thousand were funded through Council’s Environmental Levy, while 70,000 trees were funded by Environmental Offset charges paid by land developers.
Tree-planting, habitat restoration programs and the development and implementation of Council’s environmental strategies are funded by the Environment Levy.
Logan Mayor Darren Power said Council was committed to enhancing and protecting green space in the City.
“It is an honour for Logan to be recognised as one of our nation’s most hardworking regions, when it comes to safeguarding our natural environment,” Cr Power said.
“We are blessed with many amazing natural environments here in Logan and we understand the important role they play in our lifestyles now and into the future.”
Deputy Mayor and City Planning, Economic Development and Environment Chair Cr Jon Raven said Council had a strong track record when it came to prioritising the City’s natural assets.
“This past year, Council has invested $2.7 million to improve our waterways and koala habitats, implement species management programs and deliver carbon reduction and energy efficiency strategies,” Cr Raven said.
“More than $5.3 million was also spent securing vital ecological land, including $3.4 million on bushland maintenance.
“Our population is growing in Logan and our environment is supporting more people every year.
“We know that the protection of our natural environment is vital for the future of our City and a priority for our community, which is why these programs are so important.”
Deputy Chair Cr Miriam Stemp said it was important that Council delivered on its priority of being a green and sustainable City.
“This region has a proud tradition of caring for its land and its wildlife,” Cr Stemp said.
“When you think about the Logan area, you think about green spaces, about our parks and rivers, our bushwalks and native animals.
“Council remains committed to our City’s green spaces and I am looking forward to seeing them grow and thrive even more in coming years.”
Other programs funded by the Environmental Levy include:
- delivering our river recovery projects, river trails and planting more trees along our waterways;
- supporting our land holders to conserve the environmental assets on their land through our Land for Wildlife and Habitat Connections programs;
- providing the community with over $165,000 in environmental grants;
- acquisition and management of ecologically significant land;
- promoting sustainable fishing throughout Logan, including installing fishing tackle bins at Skinners Park, Tygum Lagoon, Albert River Park and other places
- delivering events and activities including LEAF, the Logan Eco Forum and the Logan Eco Awards and
- Providing up to three free native trees for residents to plant in their own backyards (this program has recently started again after being suspended during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions)