A lock for water valves invented by Logan Water is being rolled out nationwide.

The device was developed by Logan Water and its partner Downer to prevent ‘stored energy’ from being released while repairs are carried out on water networks.

Trench collapses caused by stored energy incidents have taken lives overseas.

The valve lock received the Australian Water Association’s Water Industry Safety Excellence Award.

A deal has been reached with distributor Mass Products to sell the product online.

Infrastructure Chair Councillor Teresa Lane said Logan City Council relinquished all intellectual property rights to ensure that the device can be used as widely as possible.

“This is our way of making the Australian water industry safer for workers,” Cr Lane said.

“This economical device provides operators with confidence that hazardous stored energy is controlled while repairs and maintenance are carried out on a water network.

“In addition to its safety aspect there’ll be benefits from fewer network isolations that can disrupt supply and lead to lost productivity.”

The valve lock was inspired by a Logan Water and Downer ‘Learning Team’ brainstorming session.

The device comprises a steel plate which is placed inside a valve box. The plate is locked in place with an individually keyed lock and a warning tag to make it clear to workers when water infrastructure is, or is not, isolated.

Logan Water is a business unit of Logan City Council.

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