The $1.2 million Logan Village River Link is now open.
The 2.5-metre-wide concrete pathway, bridge and underpass provide a direct link between booming riverside residential areas and the popular Logan Village Green.
It also avoids the need for residents from housing estates, including My Home and the River, from crossing busy Anzac Avenue on their way to retail areas in Logan Village.
Logan City Council has delivered the Logan Village River Link as part of the $2 million Logan Village Implementation Fund.
The project includes the installation of new safety cameras, additional lighting and a viewing platform overlooking the nearby Logan River, with these elements of the project funded through the Division 4 Local Improvement Program.
The Logan Village River Link complements other Council-funded projects in the area including:

• The family-friendly Logan Village Green adventure playground
• Upgrades to the Logan Village Green, including improved drainage and landscaping and the relocation of the skate park (due to commence soon)
• The Logan Village to Yarrabilba Rail Trail, now under construction and due to be completed by the end of the year.
Economic Development Chair, Deputy Mayor Jon Raven said Logan Village River Link was one of the outcomes of the Council-hosted 2018 Logan Village Forum.
“The local community told us they wanted improved connectivity across the centre, better access to the Logan River and activation of local spaces. The River Link absolutely delivers on every level,” Councillor Raven said.
City Lifestyle Chair and Division 4 Councillor Laurie Koranski said the Logan Village River Link helps showcase the natural beauty and rich history of the area.
“Residents and visitors can now stroll along the pathway as they take in wonderful views of the river, explore our historic buildings, enjoy the family playground on the Green and then shop and dine in the Logan Village retail precinct,” Cr Koranski said.
“This is another important step towards our vision to develop Logan Village into a must-see riverside destination for artisan experiences and extraordinary lifestyle.”