In July, Logan City Council launched a values-based survey on the Bahrs Scrub – Beenleigh (East/West Connectivity) Transport Study to get a better understanding of what the community’s priorities were in a future transport link connecting the two suburbs.
Cr Tony Hall and Cr Karen Murphy worked together to strongly encourage residents in Division 6 and Division 12 to participate and complete the survey which closed on the 30th of July.
“I want to thank and acknowledge all the residents who took the time to complete the survey or contacted me directly with your feedback”, said Cr Murphy
“I have now had a briefing from Council’s Roads Department with the initial outcomes indicating 382 submissions were made with the lion’s share coming from Mount Warren Park and Bahrs Scrub.”
The results showed that the community’s top three priorities for the project are:
- Minimising traffic congestion
- Minimising environmental impacts
- Minimising impacts to residents
A summary of outcomes from the survey will be shared publicly on the website in October.
“I will work with the Roads Department to ensure this information is readily accessible and clear for residents and stakeholders.
“This is an important project, and we must get it right. The only way to do that is with open and honest communication with residents.
“Please rest assured I will share as much information with you as I can and fight to get the best outcome for our community”.