City of Logan Mayor Darren Power has revealed his own family tragedy and heartache as he called on motorists to drive safely during the Christmas/New Year holidays.

Sixteen people have died on Logan roads this year, triple last year’s total of five. 

Most of the victims have been young men.

In a plea for motorists to drive safely, Cr Power revealed his 20-year-old brother died in a car accident nearly 30 years ago.  

“The pain is hard to describe and it’s one that never goes away,�? Cr Power said.

“The families of 16 people in Logan are currently experiencing it and my heart goes out to them.

“Please don’t become a statistic these holidays – we’ve lost far too many people already this year.�?

Cr Power said friends and family can be influential in instilling good driving habits.

“I urge you to have a road safety conversation today; it might just save a life.�?

The State Government has launched the ‘All good, All bad’ campaign which targets drink driving.

It asks young men to ‘call out’ mates who drink and drive, particularly the morning after heavy drinking.

SafeRoads4Logan is a partnership between Logan City Council, the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Health and the RACQ.

It has introduced a number of road safety initiatives including portable advisory speed signs and Patrick pace car which regulates speeding around schools.

For more information on ‘All good, All bad’ visit

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