Works are underway to renovate and reopen the Eagleby Aquatic Centre by the summer swimming season.
On July 20, 2022, Logan City Council decided to permanently close the Eagleby Aquatic Centre and decommission the ageing infrastructure.
After community uproar and Cr Karen Murphy conducting several community consultations, the Eagleby pool was put to council again on 23 November 2022.
A subsequent decision to request a report outlining potential future uses of the beach entry pool facility was made and a concept plan was developed by the Parks Branch to outline for council a long-term vision for the site (Stage 2 Plan).
The Stage 1 Plan consists of reinstating the beach entry pool, installing embellishments such as shade umbrellas, shelters and seating areas and landscaping the existing car park.
This option includes repairing and reopening the beach entry pool and associated buildings at the Aquatic Centre until the facility’s end of life (estimated as 5 – 10 years).
“Works are underway and include beach entry pool refurbishment, painting of buildings and amenities, new bins and platform seating to be installed, damaged lap pool demolished, filled, and turfed, site landscaping, strategic weed tree removal, tree trimming done, new rubber play items have been ordered, and new shade umbrellas have been ordered,” Cr Murphy said.
“I’m also working with our leisure centre experts on the operational aspects of the Eagleby Aquatic Centre, taking on board all the feedback provided during community consultation.
“We are working hard to bring more community events and improved operating hours to activate this much-loved asset.
“We are working to reopen by the summer swim season,” said Cr Murphy.