Meals on Wheels at Beenleigh is run from the Your Lifestyle Centre which is introducing a brand-new menu for their clients.

The menu will now allow clients to choose their menu for the week which now offers some amazing new experiences tailored to the client’s request.

This new system started at the beginning of November which will see clients get a choice from two delicious, freshly prepared meals per day and they can plan with the new monthly calendar.

For all those who get weekly deliveries, the meals will be made fresh and then frozen, so no one misses out on their favourite.

The frozen meals will be given new packaging as part of the overhaul from the old-style foil trays to microwavable safe containers so they can be heated up in a flash.

The change has come about due to the rethink of food safety and quality. Beenleigh Kitchens have a new food service leader, Richard Kemp.

Meals on Wheels Beenleigh
Meals on Wheels Beenleigh

Having only started at Beenleigh in late July, his goal was to settle in and improve the kitchens efficiency and food safety.

“I love the role and really enjoy it,� said Richard.

“It’s nice to be helping people which I really enjoy and revamping systems to try and improve them. The main thing is that it’s going to help the clients and increase the enjoyment of their meal.

“When I arrived, we were offering just the one meal, so I wanted to introduce a nice choice, like a daily choice. Also, a bit more variety in the menu so the client knows what they are going to get each day.�

Meals on Wheels is a major part of the Your Lifestyle Centre @Beenleighs major upgrades. Old services are being improved, new services added, and the building is getting a refurbishment under CEO Megan Zwart.

The old senior centre is changing for the better and it is all aimed to help and improve the lives of many local seniors and disadvantaged people. Further questions call (07) 3287 1477.

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