By Dr. Katria Lovell – Redlands Veterinary Clinic

More and more cases of food allergies and dietary intolerances are being reported in the veterinary industry. The most common allergens are beef, chicken, and some grains, but other proteins have also been implicated.

Symptoms can range from low grade tummy trouble right through to severe gastric and skin issues that can have major impacts on quality of life.

The symptoms of food allergies are very vague, and there are also some other serious conditions that cause similar clinics signs - diagnosis is therefore largely by exclusion, and food trials which should be done under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian.

If you suspect your pet is suffering from food allergies, the first step to take is the elimination of chicken and beef proteins. Beware though, as chicken in particular is used very commonly within the pet food industry.

Look instead for novel protein sources, like kangaroo, turkey, salmon, or tuna. If the issues persist, contact your veterinarian for information on how to conduct a full food elimination diet trial.

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