Major upgrade works on Chambers Flat Rd reached another major milestone last week as the new Norris Creek Bridge took shape.
A 500-tonne, all-terrain crane – with a reach of more than 60m – was used over three days to lift 90 bridge girders into place.
The creek crossing has been raised by 8m to allow for improved access in an area that experiences regular flooding during severe wet weather.
The bridge is part of a 3.8km upgrade of Chambers Flat Rd, from the Mount Lindesay Hwy to just north of Kings Way. The project is also:
- widening the road to 3.5m each way, with 3m sealed shoulders
- installing turning lanes at the Kings Way and Greenvale Rd intersections
- improving sight distances at bends and crests.
The project has been designed to improve residential driveway access with new hard surface shoulders.
It will also make journey times shorter for the important connector road.
When the bridge opens towards the end of the year, the one-lane, one-way temporary diversion currently in place will end.