Crime Stoppers Queensland is a registered charity and volunteer community organisation. Their purpose is to empower the community to provide information that supports the solving and prevention of crime.

Crime Stoppers Queensland work with police, media, and the community to help solve, reduce, and prevent crime by collecting information and passing on those details to police and other law enforcement agencies to help keep communities and families safe.

Unlike the police service, Crime Stoppers is completely anonymous as phone numbers and IP addresses are not saved by the organisation and phone calls are not recorded.

Although you are anonymous when contacting the service, if your information that leads to an arrest then you may be eligible for a reward. This can be claimed anonymously also as Crime Stoppers has a full system in place to ensure the correct person is rewarded and can remain anonymous.

Crime Stoppers is a needed asset in the community and figures reflect that. In 2020, information shared with the service led to 1307 arrests and 4721 charges. They also helped take more than 112kg of drugs, more than $1.3 million proceeds of crime and more than $2.8 million drug value out of the hands of criminals. 

Like many organisations, Crime Stoppers needs more volunteers to help spread the message and to keep doing everything they do. They also require donations to keep funding the events and for reward money.

To share any information you may have on something suspicious, you can call 1800 333 000 or head to to make your anonymous report.

If a crime is happening now, a life is threatened, or the offender is still in the area, call triple zero - 000. If a crime has happened to you, file a police report via Policelink or Ph 131 444. If you have seen suspicious behaviour or know something about unsolved crimes, call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.

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