There has been a continually devastating increase in motorcycle crashes and collisions within the Logan Policing District recently.

Motorcyclists continue to be seriously injured and some are paying the ultimate price in these collisions.

Although several factors can contribute to crashes, excessive speed is still playing a crucial role.

On June 2, a rider was detected by police allegedly travelling at 156km/h in the semi-rural 80km/h zone in New Beith.

The 54-year-old New Beith man received a $1,245 fine for a high range speeding offence. He was also issued with eight demerit points and had his license suspended for six months.

On May 30, a female rider on her learner licence crashed her bike near Rathdowney. The collision ripped the soles from her sneakers, and she suffered a broken right leg along with other injuries and told police she thought she had been riding too fast for the road conditions.

Officer in Charge of Jimboomba Police Station, Senior Sergeant Peter Waugh said the district’s officers are pleading for motorcycle riders to ride safely.

“Please obey the road rules and ride to the conditions,” Senior Sergeant Waugh said.

“There’s no reason to be in a hurry. As a motorcycle rider, anytime you’re on the road, you are incredibly vulnerable. You can end up dying or killing someone else.”

Police continue to urge inexperienced riders to undertake programs to ensure they possess roadcraft skills and are comfortable on their bike to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users.

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