Over the weekend of November 11, LECNA hosted their quarterly Market Day for the community in Springwood.

The market day was organised by local members of the community and volunteers of LECNA. With support from local businesses donating their time and resources, all profits are able to go back into the community. 

“Community events like this not only bring people together to enjoy a morning out in the local community, but it also supports the organisation by raising funds to cover the cost for programs such as Life Skills and Bringing Up Great Kids, currently on offer at LECNA,” said LECNA manager Cassie Paton.

To help feed the hundreds of visitors who came through the market, Lions@springwoood gave a generous donation of bacon, eggs, and English muffins which was cooked by members of Planet Fitness with the BBQ and gas supplied by Rochedale Springwood Lions Club.

LECNA Market Day Inside
LECNA Market Day Inside

With the Market Day on Remembrance Day, the visitors and stall holders showed great respect as everyone paused for a minute silence at 11am.

“LECNA is a State Government funded Community Centre which enables it to provide staffing and operational costs,” said Cassie.

“We utilise funds raised from events like Market Day to deliver programs and activities organised by the community for the community.”

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