A memo was sent today from Queensland Rugby Football League Limited (QRL) to South East Region clubs and managers.
Titled QRL South East Region COVID-19 Venues, the memo said that after receiving advice from the Queensland Government Return to Play Advisory Group the QRL South East Region that any person who has visited the effected locations identified by Queensland Health’s Contact Tracing Information page should not attend organised sport.
It went on to say as a further precaution on Sunday 2nd of August no scheduled matches will be hosted at venues that surround the locations listed.
These venues include Greenbank Sports Recreation Club, Mustangs Oval, Civic Centre Park and Grosvenor Park.
While there is no specific directive from Queensland Health to do this, the QRL is taking a proactive approach to help protect players and their families.
With many clubs having only recently opened for training and games, this directive, although sensible, will impact many clubs again financially.
The QRL say that in adopting this approach to managing the spread of COVID-19, the QRL South East Region will continue to make decisions that prioritise the health and wellbeing of the South East Rugby League community.