Logan City Council sat for their ordinary council meeting today and there was a changing of chairs for the City Governance Committee.

Division 11 councillor and Deputy Mayor Cr Natalia Willcocks stepped down from the chair position of the City Governance Committee to be able to step up to her role as deputy mayor, leaving the position open for a new chair and deputy chair.

Cr Karen Murphy of Division 12 was the previous deputy chair of the committee and was voted in as the new chair unanimously by her fellow councillors.

“It was great to have the support of my fellow councillors and I look forward to working with Cr Frazer,” said Cr Murphy.

“I will deliver a smooth transition for the organisation because of my experience as the deputy chair.

“We can now build on the important work that has already started on next year’s budget.”

The position of deputy chair was also voted in with only one councillor nominating for the position prior to the ordinary meeting and no other councillor throwing their hat in the ring.

Cr Tim Frazer of Division 7 will back Cr Murphy in the role as her new deputy chair for the committee.

“A successful handing of the reigns of a chair portfolio,” said Cr Willcocks after today’s meeting.

“I can’t wait to an introduction of new ideas, new strategies, and a fresh approach to committee meetings.”

Photo from Cr Natalie Willcocks Facebook page.

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