Being a politician means being a public figure and often the public only ever see that public person. Often it is forgotten that politicians are human too so learning about the person behind the politics shows some insight into their lives.
Tony Hall is the Division 6 Councillor for Logan City Council and was elected in 2020. Before being elected to the council, Tony worked in a State Government office for a period during and after his university studies.
Before his campaign, Tony had no political experience or ambition to pursue politics as a career. In 2019, Tony’s father, Warren Hall, was planning to run for council and Tony started helping his father’s campaign.
Unfortunately, Warren became very ill with cancer (Mesothelioma) and eventually was placed into palliative care. This is where Tony changed his mind.
“My father was President of the Logan Model Engineers Society, and he was an upstanding man in the Logan community, a member of many different clubs, very well known, loved and respected by people,” said Tony.
“Dad had a habit of seeing what other people did and would try to do it better and personally he was very concerned that Logan Council was losing sight of the basics such as looking after the roads, footpaths and just doing what a council is paid to do.
“I had a lot of advertising experience and was happy to help him with his goals to run but unfortunately it was not to be.
“My father asked if I would run in his place, and I accepted the task, but I was not confident that I would win. My father said that he believed that I would and so I ran with a promise to fix the things he wanted changed. The rest is history and unfortunately, he passed away before I was elected.”
Tony takes his job seriously because he wants to do the best for his community and for what his father wanted of him and the community. A few of his favourite projects that have happened since being elected is the Waterford Demons new clubhouse and getting lights installed in Bethania.
“People will tell you when you are doing a good job and it’s great to hear it from them, it makes the 8pm finish times well worth it,” said Tony.
“There’s so much and I could go on and on but helping real people is the best thing about being a councillor.
“Dad was very adamant that if I did become councillor, I would always work for the people who live here and not for the people living in Parliament house and I think I have done a pretty good job of that. My focus has always been on local issues that impact local people.”
Tony grew up in the circus and spent most of his life traveling Australia with his family. The family’s circus was The Great Australian Circus and Logan was their home base as his family has owned property here for a long time, around five generations.
Tony would perform as a clown in the circus from 11 years of age and then as a trapeze artist with his sisters from 14.
“I helped setup the tent and amusement rides and had a truck license at the young age of 16. I had to get my truck license in the Northern Territory because 16 was too young to get one in any other State,” said Tony.
After spending ten years away from Logan for work and study, Tony returned to the city in 2011 to work and be back with his family.
Due to being on the road for the circus, Tony did not attend schools as most students do.
“Whenever I was forced to go to a school in a town, I would quickly pack up my things and run back to the circus to help my family set up the tent and amusement rides.
“Like many kids who grew up on a farm or with a family business, I had a responsibility to help my family to help put food on the table.”
After leaving the circus at 21, Tony returned to schooling and eventually graduated with First Class Honours at Edith Cowan University with a Major in Advertising in 2008.
A good way to get Tony to your house is to have his favourite food, TimTams, at the ready. Many of his residents now know how to treat him at a visit.
When trying to relax away from the chambers, Tony enjoys playing with his Blue Heeler, Pepper, who is his best mate and has appeared in some of the council videos. He enjoys playing some Rugby and does some rock climbing every now and then. His main passion is motorsport and vehicles.
“I ride around on a Honda CBR on the weekends and tinker around with my father’s 1977 Corvette.”
If staying in, Tony is a massive Knight Rider fan and is enjoying The Witcher on Netflix.
Tony says that the best part of Logan are the people.
“Honestly, we are just more genuine here than anywhere else,” said Tony.
“I have travelled to every town across Australia and nowhere are there people more real than in Logan. We say it how it is, and I respect that 100 per cent.
“I cannot say that we are always nice to each other but when there is a crisis, or someone is in need the whole city responds like a family. Where else in Australia will you find a community like that?
“Living in Logan means being part of a massive family, we don’t always get along, but we are here for each other.”
Tony works with the schools across his division and always encourages the students to be their best.
“Do not be afraid of change or failure because that is when we grow the most,” said Tony.
“Many things will change in your life but do not be a victim to it. Instead, let it make you a stronger person. My whole life was turned upside down when I left the circus industry, I could not get a job because I could not read or write properly. I could have blamed my parents or blamed the world but instead I focused my energy on study.
“It was those studies that attributed towards eventually becoming councillor and if I can go from being an illiterate circus boy to being a councillor, imagine what you can do in your life.
“If you want success, work hard for it and keep getting back up. Life is not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and keep getting back up. Also, sometimes you need to listen to your parents because they can see potential in you that no one else can.”