On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner in Australia.

To mark Domestic and Family Violence Prevention (DFVP) Month this May, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has launched a five-part podcast series to put domestic and family violence under the spotlight.

Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence, presented by QPS is designed to raise community awareness, empower victim-survivors and bystanders alike and ultimately change the behaviours of those who use abusive and unhealthy tactics within their relationships.

Following the launch of episode one, ‘Lived Experience’, the subsequent episodes will be released throughout DFV Prevention month. 

Behind the Doors Intro

Acting Inspector Rowena Hardiker from the Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Command said it is important to keep the conversation about domestic and family violence going to increase awareness and better help those in unsafe relationships.

“Domestic and family violence continues to be a key priority for the QPS,” she said.

“We are committed to protecting and supporting victims of domestic and family violence and holding perpetrators to account.

“The more we increase our knowledge and understanding of this violence and behaviour, the better placed we are as a community to help those in unsafe and controlling relationships.

“A healthy relationship is trusting, supportive and safe – no one should be scared by their partner or someone in their family.

“Domestic and family violence is not only physical but can include abusive tactics that are emotional, sexual, financial, verbal, psychological or technology-based.”

Acting Inspector Hardiker said Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence, presented by the Queensland Police Service will shed a light on the realities of unsafe or controlling relationships and raise awareness of the services available.   

“By listening to and learning from the stories and insights shared in this podcast, we can work towards creating a safer Queensland and a country free of domestic and family violence,” she said.

“Together; we can make a difference.”

Hosted by Dean Cooper, a Violence Prevention Specialist from the Griffith University MATE Bystander program, the series tells the stories of victim survivors and bystanders, delves into the mindset of an offender, discusses police initiatives, identifies characteristics of unhealthy and unsafe relationships, and speaks to the support services available for those seeking help, for both victims and perpetrators.

Tackling difficult questions and a wide scope of subjects, episode guests include friends of victims, officers working in regional communities, men’s reform program facilitators and individuals with lived experience.

Mr Cooper said he was pleased to have the opportunity to partner with the QPS on the project.

“It’s great to see the Queensland Police Service utilise a method such as podcasting to reach a large audience and encourage these conversations” he said.

“This podcast series does a great job of covering such a complex topic.

“We don’t know what we don’t know, when we know different, we can start to do better in how we hold perpetrators accountable and show support to those surviving domestic and family violence.”

Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence, is available for streaming on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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