The annual prawn day held by the Beenleigh Yatala Chamber of Commerce saw over 600 business owners, community groups, politicians, and more flock to Gold Coast Tiger Prawn farm on Friday, 1 March.

The all-you-can-eat prawns were paired with De Bortoli Wines, Great Northern Beers, and Beenleigh Rum.

As it has been for the past few years, the hospitality students from Beenleigh State High School and Windaroo State High School worked hard to keep tables overflowing with fresh prawns.

Despite the event being held just outside of the City of Logan, the day always attracts many Logan businesses and is the chambers biggest event for the year.

Part of the event is supporting local charities, and this year was no exception. Nightlight, Safe Haven Community, and Lighthouse Care were onsite selling raffle tickets and promoting what they do within the community to help people.

“As the president of the Beenleigh Yatala Chamber of Commerce I can honestly say that I am elated that the 27th Prawn Day event was the best we have ever run,” said Aki Sihto.

Prawn Day 2024
Prawn Day 2024

“I take this as a big win for my first year in the chair. Not only did the event management team, led by Secretary Kerrie Saverin, produce at event with an atmosphere of celebration, but they were also smooth from start to finish.

“I personally attend a lot of business events and Prawn Day is unique in combining top tier food, community celebration and hundreds of local business owners making deals. The cherry on top is the thousands of dollars raised for our charity partners: Lighthouse Care, Nightlight Homeless Services and Safe Haven Community. All of whom provide real help to those who need it most in our community.

Prawn day is amazing in how it brings together businesses, not for profits and politicians to compete for the honour of first in the prawn peeling competition. This year over 650 ticket holders came through the gates to have a great time including our sponsors.

Prawn Day 2024
Prawn Day 2024

“Gold Coast Tiger Prawns who supplied the venue and of course Australia’s best farmed prawns, Logan Community Bank who sponsors the highly competitive prawn peeling competition, Event Portables who supplied superb toilets, the Gem Hotel who supplied most of the drinks and a courtesy bus for the after party, De Bortoli Wines, our local winery who supplied wine, Beenleigh Artisan Distillery who supplies us with spirits and are part of the local history, Super Tents who supply the big top, and Poppy’s Chocolates, a local producer of fine handmade chocolates.”

Included in the 650 plus guests, was Queensland Premier Steven Miles who made his first trip to prawn day.

“It’s my first time down here but the prawns are amazing,” said Premier Miles.

“It’s a massive crowd, we’re raising money for some great causes, and I can see the community having a really great time.

“We met with some folk who are running a great youth intervention program to get them engaged with school or work and that’s a really important thing.”

Prawn Day 2024
Prawn Day 2024

Beenleigh based state member for Macalister, Melissa McMahon, said I’ve been coming to prawn day since 2014, so that’s 10 years now, and it’s getting bigger and better every year.

“What I really love about it is the opportunity to bring our small businesses, community groups, and sporting groups together for networking,” said Ms McMahon.

“There’s so many connections happening here and little things that are happening at every table to make sure we have stronger businesses at the end of the day.”

Ms McMahon said that it is important having my high school principals link in with several small businesses and the chamber of commerce to provide opportunities for their students.

“The students are here today serving all the guests, so for them it’s going towards their further study and just to make sure their principals are teeing up pathways for them beyond school, that’s what their here for,” said Ms McMahon.

Prawn Day 2024
Prawn Day 2024

Adding to Ms McMahon’s comments, President Sihto said, “thank you to the Beenleigh State High School and Windaroo State High Schools who’s catering students that wait tables and serve food all day, adding the touch of class that makes silver service tickets so sought after.

“This year we also had the honour of our special guests who turned up to join in the fun and networking, said President Sihto.

“Premier of QLD – Hon. Steven Miles, MP Bert Van Manen, Hon. Lance McCallum, Hon. Mark Furner, our State Member Melissa McMahon MP, LCC Mayor Darren Power, and the Logan City Councillors – Mindy Russel, Tony Hall, Jon Raven, and Karen Murphy.

“Also, I must shout out to the hard-working Prawn Day Life Member and legend Tim Ebbstein and to the many other volunteers that made it happen on the day.

“I am so happy to have this event as an example of how the Beenleigh Yatala Chamber of Commerce brings more value to our members who are the local leaders in our community.”

And now While the Beenleigh Yatala Chamber of Commerce volunteers take a well-earned rest, Ms McMahon is already looking forward to next years event.

“Hoping to back here again next year and I’m sure we can get the premier and more ministers down here,” said Ms McMahon.

Prawn Day 2024
Prawn Day 2024

“I know we’ve had the small business minister and the agriculture and fisheries minister and making sure everyone knows prawn day is on the calendar.”

While only his first time at prawn day and in an election year, Premier Miles will be back in 2025.

“If I’m still in this job next year I’ll come down and if I’m not in this job I’ll come down and spend the whole afternoon,” Premier Miles said.

Photos by Bruce Billing Photography & Sports Designs

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