With Santa just getting ready to ride the reindeer through the skies to visit all the children, another amazing group of people from the Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club mounted their sleighs to raise funds and collect toys.

Ulysses Club are a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40. The Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club branch was formed in February 1998 and have been riding strong since.

The annual Toy Ride, which has proven to be yet another success, focused on riders and the public to bring toys which Logan City Council will distribute to the needy this festive season and as a money fundraiser to help Sheltered by Grace.

Sheltered by Grace is a not-for-profit organisation that has been operating in Logan since 2010. They try to bring dignity and independence to people homeless and disadvantaged. Their goal is to equip these people with tools to deal with their health, their life, legal issues and reconnect with loved ones so that they can re-engage with everyday life and the community.

Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run
Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run

The twilight Toy Run was based at Pub Lane Tavern in Greenbank where there was a Christmas tree for toy drop off. It was also the meeting place for all the riders and supporters and where the ride finished.

Queensland Police bookended the ride to ensure the riders were able to stick together and get through intersections safely.

There were motorcycles of all makes and models and several trikes with many of the toy run participants bikes decorated with lights and tinsel.

Mount Lindesay Ulysses branch President Frank Riccobon said the purpose of the toy run is to collect and distribute toys to less fortunate children and raise funds for a selected charitable organisation each year. 

Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run
Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run

“The distribution in our case is done by Logan City Council,” said Frank.

“We collect toys from our members, residents and business donations and appreciate all donations received. 

“This year’s toy run aimed to increase awareness, acknowledge charitable organisations, and increase the number of riders, members, and non-members.

Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run
Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run

“Last year we had around 100 motorbikes participating. We expected a higher number, which of course means more donations of toys for the needy children,” Frank said. 

The Toy Run also included raffle prizes of handmade quilts, Indigenous paintings, hampers, handmade clocks, and kindly donated gifts from local businesses. Raffel money was collected and will be donated to Sheltered by Grace.

“We also provide a prize for the ‘best decorated’ motorbike for the Toy Run and lots of riders go above and beyond with decorations and flashing lights,” said Frank.

Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run
Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run

Families lined the streets as the bikes meandered throughout the back streets of Greenbank then down into Everleigh then back through many more to finally finish back at Pub Lane Tavern where further activities took place. The smiles and the cheers from all the children really made the ride worthwhile for all the riders.

One amazing senior supporter who has been a member of the club for 20 years, was dresses to impress while waiting for the bikes to get going.

Thelma from Meadowbrook has been attending the Toy Run for 12 years helping support and being there for the riders. This year she dressed as Mrs Clause and loves the club for the way they bring light to so many children’s faces and helps give less fortunate people hope and love over the Christmas season.

Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run
Mount Lindesay Ulysses Club Toy Run

For Thelma, and everyone involved, it’s all about seeing the children with big smiles on their faces as the bikes ride past and knowing many more children will be able to smile thanks to what the club does.

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