Logan City Council’s Community Safety Program is being run from Logan Libraries with the aim to give locals tips and techniques against frauds and scams.
The awareness session will be at Logan Central Library on Thursday, March 16 from 10am to 11am.
The guest speakers will be Bank of Queensland Logan Central Branch Manager Kelly Reed and Queensland Office of Fair Trading Community Engagement Officer Bob Walker.
Participants can learn what scams are currently doing the rounds and where to get assistance if they suspect they have been a victim of a scam or fraud.
City Lifestyle Chair, Councillor Laurie Koranski said most people had received scam emails, texts, or telephone calls at one time or another.
“It is an unfortunate part of the digital age we are living in, so it is vital that we have an awareness of this important topic,� Cr Koranski said.
“We want to arm the community with the tools they need to protect themselves from these scams.
“Recent cyber safety episodes have highlighted the need for people to be vigilant with their online interactions.�
Bookings are essential for the free workshop and can be made online at lccqld.com/frauds-and-scams
For more information on frauds and scams head to logan.qld.gov.au/frauds-scam