A campaign has been launched to combat illegal dumping and keep City of Logan streets cleaner and free of rubbish.

Logan City Council this week endorsed the Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy 2022-2025 to drive a sustainable change in public behaviour on the issue.

The three-year strategy was a fully funded initiative in the 2022/2023 Budget.

City Lifestyle Chair, Councillor Laurie Koranski said Council was strongly committed to tackling at a local level the state-wide issue of illegal dumping.

“Over the past 18 months we set up an Illegal Dumping Taskforce which has implemented a series of tough deterrent measures across the City of Logan and we now intend to deliver a targeted campaign to combat illegal dumping,” Cr Koranski said.

“It is unfair for ratepayers to have to continually pay to clean up illegally dumped rubbish.

“We have zero tolerance for anyone who dumps rubbish in our city, and we will continue targeting offenders and their unacceptable behaviour through penalties, clean up orders and prosecution.

Illegal Dumping
Illegal Dumping

“This strategy is a roadmap for tackling illegal dumping through a range of strong and decisive measures that will help our Illegal Dumping Taskforce expand their surveillance and enforcement activities.

“Together, these measures will promote a long-term shift towards more responsible behaviour and greater community awareness.”

The taskforce, formed by Council as a pilot in 2020, has already achieved significant success through tough enforcement action, large fines, clean-up orders, the installation of deterrence signage and 24/7 covert surveillance across the city.

The tough enforcement action also prompted identified dumpers to remove their illegally dumped rubbish at their own cost.

A community survey of residents earlier this year to test public sentiment towards illegal dumping revealed 94 per cent overwhelmingly felt it damaged city image and pride.

Council encourages residents to report instances of illegal dumping via logan.qld.gov.au/illegal-dumping or calling 3412 3412.

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