Easter is just around the corner and while the major shopping centres have been producing hot cross buns since Christmas, the smaller stores are now offering their takes on this seasonal treat.

While the traditional hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, bakeries are branching out with different flavours.

Banjo’s Bakery Café at Park Ridge has delivered their take with a mouth-watering and decadent ‘Double Choc Nutella Hot Cross Bun’, packed to the brim with chocolate chunks and oozing with delicious Nutella.

The eggs-perts told us that this is the bun Logan has been waiting for and after hanging a fang in it for the first time, they might just be right.

Double Choc Nutella Hot Cross Bun
Double Choc Nutella Hot Cross Bun

If you aren’t a fan of the traditional bun don’t be afraid to try this one as it has no resemblance to the norm. You will however need to be a Natella fan as it is packed with the gooey sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread.

Every bite taken is smooth and chocolatey and when you get just over a bite in the Nutella hits and doesn’t stop until you finish. Have a nice cold glass of milk or coffee or tea to have with it as it helps intensify the taste and cleans the palate for the next bite.

Banjo’s limited-edition bun has been flying out the door with thousands of buns being baked weekly.

The best part about these Nutella buns is that they can be enjoyed straight out of the glass cabinet, or you can pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds and be blessed with the warm, melty happiness of chocolate and Nutella.

This non-traditional take on the classic fruit style buns has locals hopping into Banjo’s to get a taste of the Easter goodie while it’s still around.

Banjo’s Bakery Café at Park Ridge
Banjo’s Bakery Café at Park Ridge

If the sound of this is too much for you, Banjo’s offer the traditional classic fruit, a gourmet fruit version of the classic and a less sweet plain chocolate bun. All of which are a tasty little treat.

Banjo’s Bakery Café has all your expected bakery goods and being a café, you can sit in store and enjoy all the smells while you chow down on your choice of food. They even have a drive thru for those not wanting to leave the car.

Double Choc Nutella Hot Cross Buns and their other hot cross bun range at Banjo’s Bakery Café are available now until Easter Monday (April 10).

Banjo’s Bakery Café
17-25 Park Ridge Road, Park Ridge
4am – 6pm daily.

Banjo’s Bakery Café at Park Ridge
Banjo’s Bakery Café at Park Ridge
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