Logan’s iconic Red Bridge is ready for revival with rehabilitation works now under way.

The project will include bridge repair as well as the repainting of the structure in distinctive ‘Waratah Red’.

City Roads and Water Committee Chairman, Councillor Phil Pidgeon, said the works would ensure the Red Bridge remained a distinctive landmark for the City of Logan.

“These works will ensure the Red Bridge continues to catch the eye of visitors to our city,” Cr Pidgeon said.

“Thousands of motorists drive past the structure daily, probably without realising what an important role it has played in our city’s history since the 1930s when it was a toll bridge over the Logan River.

“The upgrade will also strengthen the bridge’s structure, safeguarding it for the future.”

The project is estimated to cost $2.5 million and is being funded from Council’s capital roadworks and drainage program.

Division 12 Councillor, Jennie Breene, said residents could expect only minor disruptions while works were being carried out.

“Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained and message boards will be installed to advise bridge users of the works,” Cr Breene said.

Construction is expected to be completed in June 2019, weather permitting.

Construction on the bridge will mostly occur from 7am until 6pm on weekdays, however some night and weekend work may be required.


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