There has been a lot of talk about Beenleigh over the past few months and one of them has been the works being carried out in the Town Square; what is going on and why is it happening?

The current construction works in the Beenleigh City Centre include the Beenleigh Shade Solution and Beenleigh Streetscape upgrade project. These projects are just some of the outcomes of the 2017 Beenleigh Summit where residents and other stakeholders were asked to have their say on the upgrades Beenleigh needs. From the summit, Council committed $5 million to deliver several key summit outcomes, including the TV Screen and smart parking trial which have both been delivered.

The Shade Solution and Streetscape Upgrade projects are being delivered through joint funding from the Queensland State Government and Logan City Council with funding of $2,000,000 under the Unite and Recover State Government Funding.

Economic Development Chair, Deputy Mayor Jon Raven, said $5 million was allocated to implement a number of projects developed at the summit.

“The community told us loud and clear that increasing shade at Beenleigh Town Square was their top priority which is why it’s one of the first projects we’re delivering,” Cr Raven said.

Cr Karen Murphy and Cr Jon Raven at Beenleigh Town Square

“We challenged contractors to make the shade solution relevant to Beenleigh, they’ve done this by laser cutting the work of local artists into the discs.”

Cr Raven said the discs would be suspended via a system of overhead rigging wires connected to support poles and would be placed between 4m and 7m above the ground.

“Creating more shade in the Square will make the space inviting during the day, and by night we can light it up, so it becomes the talk of the town,” he said.

“The lighting can be programmed to specific themes for events and special occasions which will show off the Square and the artwork in the evening.”

Councillor Karen Murphy said, “The streetscape project is a key initiative to revitalise the Beenleigh Town Centre by providing more green space, improved amenity, and public safety, and will contribute towards the activation of the town centre and development of a night-time economy.

“Works include new footpaths, additional pedestrian crossings, more CCTV cameras, feature lighting, improved signage, seating and places for outdoor dining and public art.

“Additional shade trees and native planting areas will reduce urban heat and enhance biodiversity.”

The Beenleigh Shade Solution was a key outcome of the summit. Council put out a public tender for companies to put forward solutions that were innovative, functional, bright, and colourful and would attract people to Beenleigh.

All the poles and steelwork for this project are now installed with the wire rigging and first discs to be installed next week.

“The shade solution project is on track for practical completion by June 30th and was initially delayed due to weather and supply issues.

“The streetscape project has commenced and will be completed by the end of September.”

Consultation was undertaken through two separate groups of Beenleigh Advisory Group which was set up to advise council and consult on the projects from the concept stage all the way to final plan for each details. All members of the public were invited to be part of the advisory group.

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