MS Readathon has been going since 1978 and last year alone Aussie kids read 260,000 books and raised $2.3 million to help families living with MS.

While this is one project to help inform people about the disease, there are many people still asking what is MS?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition that is progressive and affects the central nervous system and interferes with nerve impulses from the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. There is no cure, but with making people fully aware of it, may just save lives. MS affects more than 25,000 Aussies and sees more women than men with the condition.

MS can be a life sentence but for contributing author of the book Extraordinary, Logan’s own Carmel Charlesworth has done her part to share her experiences.

Carmel works in the education sector in sports and dance and has a family that consists of her husband and their three children.

Diagnosed in 2021 at the age of 37, Carmel has been processing and planning life going forward, and writing was something she wanted to achieve.

Carmel became a published author by co-writing Extraordinary with 14 other authors who have all shared their experiences on a myriad of topics from special needs, mental health, disabilities, and medical diagnosis.

Carmel Charlesworth Book
Carmel Charlesworth Book

“The main thing in my chapter in the book is for people to listen to their instincts, listen to their guard, and if something doesn’t feel right get it investigated,” said Carmel.

“It could be nothing and that’s great, but it could be something and it’s better to get things checked out.

“It’s not until you start talking about it and bringing it up that you then become aware of how common it is.

“I still didn’t know how common it was until I was in that space.”

Carmel has been supporting MS right back to her school years where a friend of hers had a very early diagnosis of MS. Since then, Carmel has always helped with donations.

Creating awareness for people to know and understand is the focus of this book. The book is also being placed in hospitals where it will be free to read.

If you wish to acquire a copy of the book you can by the link below or you can find Carmel on Facebook.

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